Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sneak Peek of My New Niece Mallory Jayne

This little bundle did NOT want to sleep for us today.  She also didn't want to be on her belly.  But we were able to get her used to being naked.  Despite how stubborn she was (just like her big bro) we gt some wonderful images.  I am so excited to have this new addition to our family and I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I enjoyed cuddling with little MJ.

About This Blog

This page is to give you a glimpse of my style. It is still evolving at the moment but is quickly becoming what I envisioned.

As I learn and grow in photography you will see that I will capture a purity in my work that will draw you into the person.
I also like a very processed look and that will continue to increase.

If this is what your looking for in your images I would love to meet you and schedule and appointment. If not, then I would still love to hear from you.

Enjoy browsing through my portraits and have a blessed day.


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