Saturday, December 31, 2011

Big Sister

This is the big sister to the little guy in the previous post.

Finally a Boy

I am so glad to have a boy to photograph for newborns.  I love, love, love all the cutesy little girl hats, bows, props and accessories but it's fun to change things up a little bit.

This little guy was 3 weeks old when I took these but he had still to reach six pounds.  He was just a few ounces over 4 pounds at birth but completely healthy.  It was amazing how tiny he was and he did a freat job.  A regular little SUPERMAN!!!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Senior Sessions

I am in the midst of finding my style. Now that the technical side of things is becoming second nature I am so eager to become ME with my images.  I want a client ot look at a photo and say "That must be one of  Risa's images."

Here are a few from some senior sessions that I did.  Enjoy!

About This Blog

This page is to give you a glimpse of my style. It is still evolving at the moment but is quickly becoming what I envisioned.

As I learn and grow in photography you will see that I will capture a purity in my work that will draw you into the person.
I also like a very processed look and that will continue to increase.

If this is what your looking for in your images I would love to meet you and schedule and appointment. If not, then I would still love to hear from you.

Enjoy browsing through my portraits and have a blessed day.


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