Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I AM...

Here was today's theme for my picture.  Seems easy at first glance, after all didn't God call Himself I am that I am?  So I prayed about it but nothing came to my mind. I decided to grab my camera and head to park.  But as I was driving and praying I knew the park was not where I needed to be.  So I continued to drive. When God said turn then I turned.  I followed His directions to a gravel road I had never been on before.  The whole time I continued to pray.  The next thing I knew the road ended in a "T" that split into three driveways.  My thought was that I had heard wrong and gone in the wrong direction but then I looked out the window to my left and there was a sign.  Literally, a sign.

So, here is the picture and the prophetic word.


A Treasure.

Just like this sign you may not be shiny, might feel a little crooked, be faded and banged up in some places but your name is TREASURE.  A treasure in His eyes.  A treasure in His hands.  A treasure of unsurpassed beauty and worth.  Learn to see yourself through the eyes of Christ and you will soon begin to realize that you are worthy of all that He has planned for your life. You will begin to walk in the paths of His destiny when you look at yourself in the light of His love.

Be Blessed 

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What is Prophetic Photography?

I have not written any blog posts or taken any appointments in almost 2 years.  That's because I am taking photography in a whole new direction.  When I say "whole new direction" I don't mean just from anything I've done previously.  This is a direction that I can honestly say I have never heard of anyone going in before.


What is this?
What does this mean?
What does it look like?

These are some of the questions that I am waiting on God to answer.

To discover the answers I am going to spend a lot of time in the Word, even more time in prayer and go day by day along the path that He shows me as I listen to His definition of prophetic photography.  I want to evolve into who Jesus has predestined and called me to be.  And I want to invite anyone who cares, wonders or is just a little curious to join me on this path.

Here is the first step to my journey.  You may have seen the photography challenges that are everywhere on the internet.  You know the ones I mean, where you take a picture everyday for a week, month or even a year.  Well, that is my starting point but with a twist.  The challenge is to take the theme and pray over it as I wait for God to give me direction and speak to me about what He wants from the picture of the day.  There may be days that He doesn't have a picture for me to take and so I won't.  There may days when He has more than one. Whatever He wants is what I will do.

Day One

Looking Down

Despise not the day of Small Beginnings

This is tree that is planted in my backyard.  Most of the time you wouldn't associate a tree with the phrase "Looking Down" unless the tree in question is about 18" tall.  But there will be a day when it will tower above my head. As I am looking down on it today it will look down on me in the future. 

There are many things in your life today that do not look the way you thought they would look.  You have a dream and vision that has been given to you by the Almighty God and as you compare those to your present circumstances you cannot fathom how the twig of your life can become the tree of your dream.  Let me just say this to you.  

Keep your delight in His Word.  Meditate on His law day and night.  You will be a tree that is firmly planted by the water. Your leaf will not wither. You will yield fruit when He brings your season and in everything He has called you to do you will prosper.
 (Psalm 1:2-3)

Stay blessed

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sneak Peek of My New Niece Mallory Jayne

This little bundle did NOT want to sleep for us today.  She also didn't want to be on her belly.  But we were able to get her used to being naked.  Despite how stubborn she was (just like her big bro) we gt some wonderful images.  I am so excited to have this new addition to our family and I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I enjoyed cuddling with little MJ.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Big Sister

This is the big sister to the little guy in the previous post.

Finally a Boy

I am so glad to have a boy to photograph for newborns.  I love, love, love all the cutesy little girl hats, bows, props and accessories but it's fun to change things up a little bit.

This little guy was 3 weeks old when I took these but he had still to reach six pounds.  He was just a few ounces over 4 pounds at birth but completely healthy.  It was amazing how tiny he was and he did a freat job.  A regular little SUPERMAN!!!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Senior Sessions

I am in the midst of finding my style. Now that the technical side of things is becoming second nature I am so eager to become ME with my images.  I want a client ot look at a photo and say "That must be one of  Risa's images."

Here are a few from some senior sessions that I did.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Addy turns one

This little bundle of energy is such a good natured child.  She is in a good mood so much of the time and was a pleasure to chase around with the camera.

About This Blog

This page is to give you a glimpse of my style. It is still evolving at the moment but is quickly becoming what I envisioned.

As I learn and grow in photography you will see that I will capture a purity in my work that will draw you into the person.
I also like a very processed look and that will continue to increase.

If this is what your looking for in your images I would love to meet you and schedule and appointment. If not, then I would still love to hear from you.

Enjoy browsing through my portraits and have a blessed day.


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